Fivos E. Papamalis
The University of Sheffield, Greece
Dr. Papamalis is a public health researcher and practitioner. He has extensive clinical and research experience in diverse settings, served as a member of various advisory boards, EU Expert Groups and worked as scientific advisor and consultant at (inter) governmental and non-governmental bodies in country and abroad. Dr. Papamalis has been trained in several psychotherapeutic approaches with focus on contemporary psychodynamic and interpersonal approach. He has extensive experience in working in inpatient/outpatient clinical settings as a counsellor, team leader and organizational manager. He has experience in working in HRM, liaising with NGOs and cooperating with field experts in translational research projects on mental health, drug and crime prevention, treatment and social reintegration. He worked as a program manager for a specialized training centre and organized several international psychotherapeutic programs and training modules. He designed and conducted various expert trainings and workshops for mental health professionals, police, prison and judicial personnel.