Kaufui Vincent Wong
University of Miami, USA
Title: Good Practices, Foods, and Nutrition for the Brain
Biography: Kaufui Vincent Wong
This work is a careful listing of the significant practices which are good for the body, practices which are especially good for the brain, as well as food and nutrition which are especially good for the brain. The objective of this study is to help researchers to promote brain health among the public. It is suspected that several of the practices may not be commonly known. The generation of discussion is healthy in the field of science, and this is a secondary function of this publication. Any omissions of significant actions which can be easily adopted by anyone are regretted. This mini review also produced a listing of commonly available brain- healthy foods. Regular, appropriate exercise that employs all the body’s muscles is advanced as one of the two significant pillars of physical health. In other words, everyone should move daily and try to avoid being too sedentary. The second pillar for one’s health is a balanced and nutritious diet, which would lead to an appropriate weight range and good mental health. Good practices for the brain are highlighted, hich makes use of the fact that the brain generates new cells periodically, but just as often dies, if not employed to form new neural networks when the person learns new activities. In other words, ‘use it or lose it’ applies to neurons as well as muscles