Jacqueline Heron
Toronto Western Hospital, Canada
Title: Why trauma informed counseling is an essential component of women’s addiction treatment?
Biography: Jacqueline Heron
Women who are seeking addiction treatment oft en present with complex spectrum of issues, a history of trauma is oft en most
specifi c to these presenting issues. Unfortunately, due to the stigma that is attached to women and addiction, trauma symptoms
are oft en not detected and/or explored when women present for addiction treatment. Failing to address trauma symptoms can have
devastating implications on the eff ectiveness of addiction treatment, which may result poor therapeutic rapport and disengagement
in treatment. Trauma informed care involves specifi c framework which aims to assist service providers to recognize, understand and
respond to the various eff ects of trauma. More importantly, it assist women in identifying trauma symptoms, understanding the role
that trauma has played in their lives and empower them to create physical, psychological and emotional safety (Alameda County
Behavioral Health Care Services 2013). A case presentation will be used to illustrate that utilizing trauma informed principles can
facilitate greater therapeutic rapport between clients and service providers, increase treatment engagement and signifi cantly aff ect
treatment outcome for women seeking addiction treatment. Th e objectives include: Attendees will realize the prevalence and the
impact of trauma on women who use substances; will be able to identify common signs and symptoms of trauma in women who use
substances; will understand the concept of “Trauma Informed Th erapy” and the benefi ts of using this framework with women who
use substances and will learn how to integrate intellectual knowledge into best practice.