Angela DB Reed
Turning Point INC., USA
Title: TPI goes beyond providing culturally competent to culturally specifi c
Biography: Angela DB Reed
Presentation of the research fi ndings of a 2015 report linking culturally specifi c programing and practices to research and theory,
created by University of Minnesota’s Program in Health Disparities Research researchers and made possible through funding
by the offi ce for Business and Community Economic Development, Community Health Initiative (CHI). Th is report is a product
of the research partnership between Turning Point, Inc., the University of Minnesota Program in Health Disparities Research, and
the Offi ce for Business and Community Economic Development. Funding was provided by Medical and the Community Health
Initiative. Th e report serves to link existing culturally specifi c practices to published literature, widely studied theories and models,
and specifi c cultural values. Founded in 1976, Turning Point is a multi-service non-profi t organization whose programs have earned
local and national recognition for being among the fi rst to advance a culturally-specifi c treatment model. Turning Point’s recoveryoriented
system of care provides culturally specifi c and individually tailored approach to service delivery. Today’s social environment,
and the challenges African Americans face, warrant use and revitalization of cultural strengths. Problems such as drug and alcohol
addiction, HIV/AIDS, health disparities, high rates of incarceration, unemployment, and poverty are severe and complex. In order to
provide eff ective services, providers must understand the importance and delivery of culturally specifi c services and care.